Using anger for good
Have you ever participated in a conversation centered around “pet peeves”? Can you recall any that might have caused your temper to go haywire? For me, my biggest pet peeve is disorganization and how participating in it only leads me to chaos (whether it be physically or mentally). Stability and comfort are my number one priorities so if I’m dealing with anything that destroys those parts of my life my anger will start to rise. One could argue that this “temper” is just frustration but I still consider it “anger” because this feeling isn't passive, it’s intense. Everyone has their way of showing anger whether it be screaming, confrontation, destroying things, or crying. It's just the question of how we can release our anger without hurting ourselves in the end. For instance, my anger tends to go inward instead of outward, causing this conflict within myself but there are some ways I’ve been able to release this tension without, again, hurting myself in the end.
First, you need to find a creative outlet for yourself, and if you don’t need to find one just retreat to it. These “creative outlets” are usually just hobbies that you might have as they are a space for releasing emotion. One of my creative outlets is songwriting so whenever I’m feeling angry over something, I write tons and tons of lyrics to release that anger to (hopefully) reel myself back in. Weirdly enough, I wish to experience anger more often just so that I can get this boost but that's a topic for another day. The fact that I want to experience anger more often shows how powerful this technique is, and anyone who sees this should reflect on utilizing this hack.
Another step you could take to release your temper without hurting yourself is using that energy to check off goals and tasks. This method is somewhat similar to the creative one, but instead of being creative, you just lock in and finish assignments/work in complete silence. For those who struggle with doing tons of work in one sitting, this method may not work for you, but I would still give it a shot cause you never know what could happen. When you’re angry, you're capable of tackling anything after all.
The impact that anger has on the body is never great according to an article I found online called ANGER; ITS IMPACT ON HUMAN BODY made by Innovare Journal of Health Sciences stating how “ Many biological reaction jump up as one get angry, the changes is brought in the body is due to brain neural activating system such as noradrenergic system release brush of catecholamine that has systemic effect such depicted as an alteration in physiology such as acceleration of heart, rising of blood pressure, and rate of respiration as well as flushing of face due to increased blood flow attributed to physical action in addition that energizes musculature to brush with energy lasting up to several minutes so-called adrenaline rush which is executed to take an immediate protective action of angry desire energizing the level that one become ready to fight due to adrenaline rush [14].” reminding us that releasing anger in ways that are best for you is the way to go if you want to remain healthy in the future.